Advantages of a toddler step stool for independence

Are you looking for ways to encourage your toddler to take the first steps towards independence? The simple addition of a toddler step stool can help support that journey!

Providing your toddler with a safe, supportive and stable step stool can help them explore the world around them with confidence and security. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your little one learns new skills with this simple tool.

Read on for our complete guide to the advantages of a toddler step stool for independence.

A toddler step stool is an important tool in creating independence for your little one. It not only provides the perfect height for your toddler to reach sinks, countertops, and other high surfaces, but it can also provide a feeling of autonomy that helps toddlers to build confidence in themselves. By understanding the various advantages of a step stool, parents can make sure that their toddler is getting the most out of this essential tool as they grow.

Using a step stool helps your little one reach items which are high up or far away from them with relative ease and safety. This way, they don’t have to rely on climbing on furniture or asking for help when trying to get something from higher places or when trying to do something independently on their own. Step stools also provide additional storage space in crowded closets, cupboards, and other areas while saving floor-space at the same time. A great solution for boosting their ability to become more independent and solidify childhood growth milestones is by using a strong child-friendly step stool such as those made at Wooden Wonders® Kids Stools!

Definition of a toddler step stool

A toddler step stool is a useful tool for helping your toddler achieve independent milestones such as brushing their teeth, reaching the sink, and helping them gain confidence in acknowledging personal capabilities. Step stools come in many varieties, from sturdy plastic to more lightweight fabric pieces with handle attachments. Depending on your individual needs and the size of your family, finding the perfect fit can be overwhelming.

To make it easier for parents to navigate the vast market of toddlers’ steps stools, we have put together a complete guide outlining the different types of step stools available and what features could benefit families the most. Keep reading to learn more.

Importance of independence in toddlers

Offering toddlers their own step stool is one of the most effective ways of encouraging independence. Allowing a child to help in daily tasks helps to foster successful, independent life skills. From being able to help themselves, to feeling useful and achieving little successes as they become progressively more independent, toddlers gain a wealth of benefits from being able to pursue activities they were previously too young for. The psychological effects may even be lifelong.

By having their own space in which to access items just out of reach, such as in the bathroom and kitchen, children can feed toys into washing machines or place clean plates on the sideboard. This enables them to complete simple household tasks that adults often take for granted and add self-esteem and personal autonomy whilst building an inherent sense of accomplishment. Toddlers can also develop coordination with new movements that come with reaching for items from high places that would otherwise have been inaccessible if not for a step stool. Integrating independently minded habits early can also set children up for more complex activities that require fine motor skills such as writing or drawing when they are older.

Purpose of the guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide useful information on the benefits of a toddler step stool which can help to promote independence in young children and encourage a sense of self-confidence.

The various features, advantages, and benefits associated with step stools will also be discussed to provide parents and potential buyers with an informed decision.

It is important for adults to understand that this is a tool that should be used responsibly as it does involve potential risks. As such, we will also be providing some considerations for when you purchase or use the step stool, such as weight limits and safety precautions.

Finally, the guide will end by reflecting on crucial components related to using a step stool that should not be overlooked, such as proper conditioning and regular inspection for safe operation.

Benefits of using a toddler step stool

Toddler step stools are great tools to help promote your child’s independence. When children have their own stool, they can use it to reach things that were once out of reach and enjoy a sense of accomplishment. The sense of pride when a child is able to do something for himself or herself can be priceless. Here are some benefits you can gain from using a toddler step stool:

  1. Promotes independence – Using a toddler step stool encourages independence as children learn how to safely perform tasks like brushing their teeth or washing their hands by themselves. This will give them self-confidence as they learn new skills to care for themselves without the help of others.
  2. Enhances development – Having a piece of furniture at the appropriate height for not only convenience but also safety helps foster many aspects of early childhood such as physical, cognitive, and fine motor development by letting children safely explore their environment on their own terms while still being able to keep an eye on them while they move around with confidence.
  3. Increases safety and security – By providing access to items that are out of reach helps prevent accidents such as falls and injuries due to reaching up too high or tipping over furniture in an effort to retrieve something that is beyond their grasp can be avoided with the help of a sturdy toddler step stool.
  4. Encourages imaginative play – Toddler step stools provide a unique opportunity for creative freedom by allowing little ones access to areas that otherwise would remain off-limits or too high for them engage in imaginative play with any number of toys available in the home or classroom setting. With the proper safety precautions in place, your child can participate in pretend play from this new perspective provided by the sturdy and safe design of the step stool itself!

Encourages independence

A step stool can help toddlers to feel more independent and prepared for new things, as it gives them access to reach previously unreachable areas. When children become accustomed to a step stool, they may experiment more on their own. Without a step stool, their natural curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring their environment may not be realized as readily.

Using the step stool gives children the confidence boost of being able to do certain things on their own that adult-sized people don’t need help with — reaching out of reach items from the counter or lower shelves, brushing teeth in the bathroom sink or washing hands in higher basins, playing kitchen with realistic tools, etc. Allowing them a way to become self-sufficient will contribute to developing self-esteem for your child — not having someone around to grab whatever it is that he wants can actually raise your child’s independent spirit and teach him how to brainstorm solutions.​

Helps with bathroom routines

Using a step stool in the bathroom can be a great tool for helping your toddler become more independent by teaching them how to use and care for their own body. This can involve everything from help with handwashing, brushing teeth, using the toilet, and reaching sink-level objects.

Good hygiene habits should start at an early age, and having a secure stepping stool allows children to feel comfortable and confident as they accomplish these tasks alone or with help from parents or siblings.

Furthermore, it can reduce anxiety when visiting the dentist, doctor or public restrooms that may lack toddler-sized toilet toilets for children.

Allows toddlers to participate in household tasks

One of the greatest advantages of having a toddler step stool is to encourage independence in your toddler. Having something at their height allows them to engage in tasks such as brushing teeth, getting dressed and helping with meal preparation. It also means they have the freedom to move around, explore and express themselves more independently than they could if they relied solely on adult help.

Also, giving a toddler ownership over his own activities strengthens self-confidence and helps him feel like an important part of the family. Step stools offer excellent growth potential for children by expanding their skillset and providing new opportunities for self-expression that were not available before.WOOD CITY Toddler Wooden Step Stool

III. Types of toddler step stools

Step stools come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit the needs of each child and family. The most common types of step stools are as follows:

  • Plastic Step Stools: These are lightweight, brightly colored step stools that can be easily moved around. They have nonslip surfaces to provide extra stability and can be easily wiped down with a damp cloth or disinfecting spray when needed.
  • Wooden Step Stools: Wooden step stools are more substantial than plastic and offer greater stability for larger children or heavier items. The wooden surface also offers some insulation from heat and cold, making them comfortable to stand on for longer periods of time. Some designs can even fold away for easy storage when not in use.
  • Multi-level Step Stools: These two-stair stepstool designs provide additional height which is great for adapting to different tasks or getting into things that are out of reach. They offer extra stability due to their wider stance and generally come with rails or handles for added security when climbing.

Wooden step stools

Wooden step stools are a great way to give your toddler some independence while also providing them with a safe and stable platform. Wooden step stools are sturdy and durable, making them able to withstand heavier weights, which is important for taller toddlers.

Wooden step stools can feature several design elements that make them even more appealing, including wide skalene steps with toe holds, curved edges and handrails that offer much-needed support. If a wooden step stool has several steps it’s generally easier for preschoolers or smaller toddlers to climb up without having to struggle with the height of one large step.

When choosing a wooden step stool, make sure it is tested for safety and look for any defects such as jagged edges or weak points that could cause injury.

Plastic step stools

Plastic step stools come in a variety of sizes and designs. Most feature smooth, rounded edges and non-skid bottoms, making them a safe option when used according to their writing and instructions. Colors may often be bright and attractive, making them appealing to small children while they are learning how to use the stool correctly.

Plastic stools is light in weight which makes it easy for a child to carry and move around without assistance. They tend to be relatively inexpensive when compared with other material-based models. It is also quite durable: since moisture cannot penetrate the surface, outside sources like rain or water spilling can’t damage it either. Many have rubber bumpers at their sides which keeps them from slipping away from their area when pushed against walls or furniture.

Folding step stools

Folding step stools provide great convenience and mobility for the parent or child. They are designed to fold down flat for easy storage, making them ideal for use in travel and camping.

Folding step stools have handles so they can be carried around easily, reducing trips up and down the stairs. As a safety measure, most folding stepstools have anti-slip feet which prevents them from slipping and helps to ensure your toddler’s safety while using it.

There are several models available that can be opened one handed so they’re easy to use even when the other hand is needed to keep a steady grip on your toddler. If you’re looking for something lightweight but highly durable, then folding step stools may be the option you’re looking for.

Factors to consider when choosing a toddler step stool

It is important to consider a variety of factors when choosing a step stool for your toddler. When you are selecting a step stool, there are several things to keep in mind. Think about what type of uses your toddler will require the step stool for, as well as safety features that could be beneficial.

Size–When determining the height of the step stool, consider how high it needs to be for your child to reach items or activities that they want to do without strain. Make sure to select a stool that has low center of gravity and includes non-skid padding at the base and on each step.

Safety Features– Since toddlers can often misjudge steps and wiggle off of ladders or stools, look for adult supervision or secure ends with guardrails on either side that automatically lock into place when opened. Some step stools also have built-in locks or latches on the sides of each level so they don’t move while in use. Most importantly make sure all steps are made from safe materials like durable plastic or metal construction with no sharp edges or pointed tips.

Portability– For toddlers who often like to move around, select a lightweight ladder with easy-grip handles so they can take it with them wherever they go. Look for versatile designs with an extra wide base that can be used indoors and outdoors and folded flat for convenient storage when not in use.

Durability– Look for lightweight material constructed from sturdy steel alloy frames that won’t break easily during active playtime . Additionally look for non-slip rubberized feet which will help minimize movement when used indoors as well as slip resistance even on wet surfaces outdoors .Best Kids' Step Stools of 2023


Overall, toddler step stools are a great way for young children to become more independent in their day-to-day activities. This small investment can give your child the self-confidence they need to start doing things on their own.

With all the different types, styles and features of toddler step stools available, you are sure to find one that meets your needs and budget. So go ahead and start giving your growing child some independence with a toddler step stool.


Are toddler stools worth it? 

Yes, toddler stools can be worth it as they can help children gain independence, develop self-confidence, and learn new skills.

What are the pros and cons of step stools? 

Pros of step stools include increased independence and accessibility, while cons can include safety risks and the need for supervision.

Can a toddler use a step stool? 

Yes, with proper supervision and training, toddlers can safely use a step stool.

What is a toddler step stool? 

A toddler step stool is a small, sturdy stool designed for young children to use in reaching higher surfaces or gaining independence in daily tasks.

When should a toddler use a step stool? 

Toddlers can use a step stool when they are able to safely climb and descend from it, typically around 18-24 months old.

When should I give my toddler a step stool? 

Parents can give their toddlers a step stool when they are able to stand and walk independently, around 12-18 months old.

What are the advantages of a step stool? 

Advantages of a step stool include increased independence, accessibility, and safety in reaching high surfaces.

Why are step stools important? 

Step stools are important for children’s physical and emotional development, as they promote independence, self-esteem, and confidence.

What are the benefits of stools? 

Stools provide a convenient and comfortable way to sit or reach high surfaces, and can be used for a variety of tasks and activities.

What age is a Montessori step stool for? 

Montessori step stools are typically designed for children around 18-24 months old, but can be used by children of various ages depending on their needs and abilities.

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